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Showing 40 of 65 Insurance & Financial Professionals

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(718) 902-0063

Gary Burns Insurance Agent
CLU®Family Benefits Solutions

19 Years of industry experience

As a Life & Health Insurance Agent, I am committed to helping my clients secure their financial future with personalized insurance solutions ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: Arizona, California, Florida, New York, Texas

Types of insurance offered: Disability, Health, Life, Auto, Business

Languages spoken: English

  Gary Burns

(718) 902-0063

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(325) 987-8452

Anita Singh Insurance Agent

17 Years of industry experience

As an enthusiastic life insurance agent, I am committed to helping my clients achieve their life insurance goals. ...View Profile

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Types of insurance offered: Auto, Disability, Health, Life, Home, Business

Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Punjabi

  Anita Singh

(325) 987-8452

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(239) 782-1398

June Smith Insurance Agent

12 Years of industry experience

As a Health Insurance Agent, I specialize in navigating complex healthcare systems to provide clients with optimal coverage tailored to their needs. ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: Connecticut, New Jersey, New York

Types of insurance offered: Health, Life

Languages spoken: English

  June Smith

(239) 782-1398

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(236) 587-9313

Jenny Williams Insurance Agent

As a Life & Health Insurance Agent, I am committed to helping my clients secure their financial future with personalized insurance solutions ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: Nebraska, New Jersey

Types of insurance offered: Health, Life

Languages spoken: English

  Jenny Williams

(236) 587-9313

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(902) 398-7521

Jenifer Gomes Registered Representative

1 Years of industry experience

As a Life & Health Insurance Agent, I am committed to helping my clients secure their financial future with personalized insurance solutions ...View Profile

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Types of insurance offered: Health, Life, Disability, Business

Languages spoken: English, Haitian Creole French

  Jenifer Gomes

(902) 398-7521

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(212) 698-7512

Ryan Johnson Insurance Agent

29 Years of industry experience

A passionate Life insurance agent, dedicated in guiding clients towards fulfilling their life insurance objectives. ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee

Types of insurance offered: Health, Life

Languages spoken: English

  Ryan Johnson

(212) 698-7512

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(545) 239-8745

Thomas Kurtis Financial Advisor

18 Years of industry experience

As an experienced Property and Casualty Agent, I specialize in providing tailored solutions to protect my client's assets against unforeseen damages ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia

Types of insurance offered: Auto, Business, Home, Life

Languages spoken: English

  Thomas Kurtis

(545) 239-8745

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(365) 984-5212

Maria Johansen Insurance Agent
Member Successfully Verified
Verified Seal
Member with a verified seal indicate they have provided and successfully verified their national producer number.

What is a National Producer Number (NPN)?

The National Producer Number is a unique NAIC identifier assigned through the licensing application process. NPNs are assigned to all individuals and most business entities on the PDB (Producer Database).

Producer Database (PDB)

The Producer Database (PDB) is a central repository of producer licensing information updated on a timely basis by participating state insurance departments. Currently, the PDB includes information from all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

USA Verification Partner:

The License & Producer Verification feature is specifically designed to operate within countries and jurisdictions where it is legally permissible and where active partnerships with relevant organizations are in place. This ensures that the service is provided accurately and responsibly, relying on the support and collaboration of local entities that are authorized to verify and provide such information. As such, availability of this feature is contingent upon our ability to establish and maintain these critical partnerships, which play a crucial role in facilitating the verification process and ensuring the feature's efficacy and compliance with local regulations.

CLU®, CASL®Johansen Financial Solutions

17 Years of industry experience

As a Life & Health Insurance Agent, I am committed to helping my clients secure their financial future with personalized insurance solutions ...View Profile

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Types of insurance offered: Disability, Health, Home, Life, Auto, Business

Languages spoken: English, Italian, Spanish

  Maria Johansen

(365) 984-5212

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(212) 596-3023

Anjali Kapoor Registered Representative

14 Years of industry experience

As a Life & Disability Insurance Agent, I am committed to helping my clients secure their financial future with personalized insurance solutions ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: New York

Types of insurance offered: Disability, Life

Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Punjabi

  Anjali Kapoor

(212) 596-3023

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(414) 206-8760

Alana Jones Insurance Agent

10 Years of industry experience

A passionate Life insurance agent, dedicated in guiding clients towards fulfilling their life insurance objectives. ...View Profile

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Licensed in the states of: Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, North Carolina, Wisconsin

Types of insurance offered: Disability, Health, Life

Languages spoken: English

  Alana Jones

(414) 206-8760